
Getting the best from interviews for Research Project and Investigative Assignments 
In a digital world where emails and texts are the quickest, easiest and most popular form of communication, face to face or phone interviews can often be daunting for students and young people.
But as teachers and markers are well aware, opinion and insight from industry experts can give assignments and research projects much more depth, and a richer perspective.
Expressions Media is presenting a new workshop to show students the dos and don’ts for communicating and asking questions, and how to use an interaction to enhance an assignment.
Presented by journalist, publicist and former senior school teacher, Libby Parker, Good Question! is suitable for senior students and is structured to encourage critical thinking and help get the best out of interviews and surveys.
The 1.5-hour workshop will cover:

  • How to find an expert
  • Making first contact
  • How to write interview questions
  • Conquering the face to face interview
  • Getting the best from phone interviews
  • Email interviews: all you need to know
  • Survey questions (and how to get people to answer them when the rest of your year level are also sending them around, too)
  • Rewarding your interview subject
  • How to effectively input interview data into an assignment
  • Practical examples

Having interviewed politicians, musicians, authors, experts, business owners, artists, CEOs and scientists, and marked many research projects, Libby can show students how to interview effectively and use that data to create a piece of writing for an audience.

Libby is available to come to your school to present workshops for $200 per session.

For bookings and queries, contact Libby Parker on (08) 7225 6199, 0413 256 597, libby@expressionsadelaide.com or click here.