
And if you’ve had this rule drilled into your head, your writing might be a little on the stiff side.

‘But what about the rules?’ you say.

Well, there are rules and they’re certainly important. Basic errors in the writing for your website or other communications will turn people away from your enterprise. Mistakes look sloppy and, by extension, potential clients will assume you take the same approach when delivering on your products or services.

With that in mind, proofread and double proofread. And then get someone else to read through your work. Pay particular attention to apostrophes and make sure the expression is clear and flows well.

But beyond that, your writing should be conversational, with a voice that connects to your audience. And that’s where some of those rules you learned in Year 7 English class can be relaxed.

Those people who cling steadfastly to such tenets actually have a fairly limited grasp of how language actually works in practice. The concept of the Queen’s good English is a myth, as language is constantly evolving.

Even the idea of having an authoritative set of rules is a relatively recent one. On the evidence available to us today, Shakespeare signed his name with a whole variety of spellings and never once as ‘Shakespeare’.

So when you are writing content for your business, make sure you are well versed in current language conventions but also keep in mind context. Starting a sentence with ‘and’ or ‘but’ in an academic essay is best avoided. But in the case of blogging, then make friends with conjunctions. They will help the piece to flow easily and help you to come across as conversational, which is often the first step to connecting with a potential client.

And if you need some assistance with the writing on your site, then why not engage a professional copywriter to create engaging content for your business. Get in touch with us at Expressions Media today to find out how we can help you.

Words are what we do and we can make them work for your enterprise.