If you are looking for an Adelaide copywriter to provide regular content like blogs for your website, social media posts, or a tidy up of your web copy, get in touch with Expressions Media.
Here’s why:
We are professional Adelaide writers with formal qualifications and experience
Expressions Media copywriters Libby and Matt both have teaching degrees, in addition to legal and journalism post graduate qualifications. But it’s not just about letters after their names. Both Libby and Matt have many years’ experience writing for a range of businesses and occasions. From creative productions to speeches for politicians, blogs for business and copy for your website, Libby and Matt have written for a wide spectrum of audience and purpose. Libby sits on the boards of Pelvic Pain Foundation of Australia, Three D Radio and Spence Club. She is also part of the Australian Coalition for Endometriosis.
We run our own Adelaide business so we know how to write for yours
Expressions Media is a small business. We are a husband and wife team who have been working together for more than a decade. We know what it takes to run a business and we know how important your business is to you. We want to help you build your profile and boost your business with high quality, professional writing that suits your budget.
Expressions Media listen to what you want and work with you
We understand every business is different, which means every piece of communication needs to reach a particular audience. We get it. We will work with you, talk with you and really listen to make sure we get your tone of voice and how you want to present yourself to your audience and potential customers.
We will teach you how to do it yourself!
Because we’re teachers, we can’t resist dusting off the chalk and passing on a few tips and tricks to our clients. Of course we’re happy to do your professional writing for you, but we can also train you and your staff to do it yourself. We offer workshops in professional writing, publicity, media and more. We also offer Adelaide school holiday workshops for young people in media, theatre and creative writing.
Contact Adelaide copywriters to make your words work for you
Get in touch with us if you would like to discuss how we can make your words work for you. We are available to work with Adelaide businesses on copywriting, web copy, content writing and all forms of professional writing. We have worked across a range of sectors such as health, law, arts, trades, industrial, government, education, hospitality, lifestyle and wellbeing. Let us know if we can work on communications and copy with your business.